Photo of Blaž Bertalanič

Dr. Blaž Bertalanič

  • Role: Research Associate
  • Joined: October, 2021
  • Affiliations: Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Research Interests: solving classification problems with the help of machine learning and AI, applications of graph netural networks, wireless networking, electronics, and signal processing.

Blaž Bertalanič received his Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana. He is currently pursuing his PhD at the same faculty and is working as a researcher at the Department of Communication Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute.

Books Chapters:


  • Natural Language Interaction With a Household Electricity Knowledge-Based Digital Twin
    Carolina Fortuna, Vid Hanžel, Blaž Bertalanič
    2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm): 17-20 Sept. 2024, Oslo, Norway, 2024
  • Visibility Graphs-Based Time Series Segmentation With Louvain Community Detection
    Ivana Kesić, Carolina Fortuna, Mihael Mohorčič, Blaž Bertalanič
    Zbornik triintridesete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2024: Portorož, Slovenija, 26. - 27. september 2024, 2024
  • O-RAN AI/ML Workflow Architecture and Framework
    Andrej Čop, Carolina Fortuna, Blaž Bertalanič
    Zbornik triintridesete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2024: Portorož, Slovenija, 26. - 27. september 2024, 2024
  • Visibility Graph-Based Wireless Anomaly Detection for Digital Twin Edge Networks
    Blaž Bertalanič, Jernej Hribar, Carolina Fortuna
    IEEE open journal of the Communications Society, 2024
  • Explainable Semantic Wireless Anomaly Characterization for Digital Twins
    Blaž Bertalanič, Vid Hanžel, Carolina Fortuna
    Computer Networks, 2024
  • Energy Efficient Deep Multi-Label on/OFF Classification of Low Frequency Metered Home Appliances
    Anže Pirnat, Blaž Bertalanič, Gregor Cerar, Mihael Mohorčič, Carolina Fortuna
    IEEE access, 2024
  • CARMEL: Capturing Spatio-Temporal Correlations via Time-Series Sub-Window Imaging for Home Appliance Classification
    Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
    Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 2024
  • Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Interpretable Time Series Classification
    Irina Barašin, Blaž Bertalanič, Miha Mohorčič, Carolina Fortuna
  • An Overview and Solution for Democratizing AI Workflows at the Network Edge
    Andrej Čop, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
  • Natural Language Interaction With a Household Electricity Knowledge-Based Digital Twin
    Carolina Fortuna, Vid Hanžel, Blaž Bertalanič
  • Towards Data-Driven Electricity Management: Multi-Region Harmonized Data and Knowledge Graph
    Vid Hanžel, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
  • Self-Supervised Learning for Clustering of Wireless Spectrum Activity
    Ljupcho Milosheski, Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna, Mihael Mohorčič
    Computer Communications, 2023
  • Deep Feature Learning for Wireless Spectrum Data
    Ljupcho Milosheski, Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna, Mihael Mohorčič
    IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE MEDITCOM 2023): 4-7 September 2023 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2023
  • GNN for Wireless Link Anomaly Detection
    Blaž Bertalanič, Mihael Mohorčič, Carolina Fortuna
    IEEE INFOCOM 2023 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS): May 20, 2023 in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2023
  • Area Under Time Series Transformation for Home Appliance Classification
    Leo Ogrizek, Blaž Bertalanič, Mihael Mohorčič, Carolina Fortuna
    2023 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob): 21-23 June 2023, Montreal, Canada, 2023
  • Learning to Detect Wireless Spectrum Occupancy Using Clustering Approaches
    Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Mihael Mohorčič, Carolina Fortuna
    2023 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob): 21-23 June 2023, Montreal, Canada, 2023
  • Feature Management for Machine Learning Operation Pipelines in AI Native Networks
    Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Mihael Mohorčič, Marko Grobelnik, Carolina Fortuna
    BalkanCom 2023, 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) took place 5-8 June 2023 in İstanbul, Turkey, 2023
  • XAI for Self-Supervised Clustering of Wireless Spectrum Activity
    Ljupcho Milosheski, Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna, Mihael Mohorčič
    BalkanCom 2023, 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) took place 5-8 June 2023 in İstanbul, Turkey, 2023
  • Graph Neural Networks Based Anomalous RSSI Detection
    Blaž Bertalanič, Matej Vnučec, Carolina Fortuna
    BalkanCom 2023, 2023 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom) took place 5-8 June 2023 in İstanbul, Turkey, 2023
  • Machine Vision Based Wireless Link Layer Anomaly Characterization
    Valerij Jovanov, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
    NetAISys’23: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Networked AI Systems, 2023
  • Graph Isomorphism Networks for Wireless Link Layer Anomaly Classification
    Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
    2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC): proceedings, 2023
  • Resource-Aware Time Series Imaging Classification for Wireless Link Layer Anomalies
    Blaž Bertalanič, Marko Meža, Carolina Fortuna
    IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2023
  • Deep Feature Learning for Wireless Spectrum Data
    Ljupcho Milosheski, Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna, Mihael Mohorčič
  • XAI for Self-Supervised Clustering of Wireless Spectrum Activity
    Ljupcho Milosheski, Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna, Mihael Mohorčič
  • Dealing With Zero-Inflated Data: Achieving SOTA With a Two-Fold Machine Learning Approach
    Jože M. Rožanec, Gašper Petelin, João Costa, Blaž Bertalanič, Gregor Cerar, Marko Guček, Gregor Papa, Dunja Mladenić
  • LOG-a-TEC Testbed Outdoor Fingerprinting Localization Using BLE Beacons
    Blaž Bertalanič, Grega Morano, Gregor Cerar
    Proceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 2022
  • Towards Sustainable Deep Learning for Wireless Fingerprinting Localization
    Anže Pirnat, Blaž Bertalanič, Gregor Cerar, Mihael Mohorčič, Marko Meža, Carolina Fortuna
    ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications: 16-20 May 2022, 2022
  • LOG-a TEC Testbed Outdoor Localization Using BLE Beacons
    Blaž Bertalanič, Grega Morano, Gregor Cerar
    BalkanCom 2022, 2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalcanCom), 22-24 August, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 2022
  • Towards Sustainable Deep Learning for Wireless Fingerprinting Localization
    Anže Pirnat, Blaž Bertalanič, Gregor Cerar, Mihael Mohorčič, Marko Meža, Carolina Fortuna
  • On Designing Data Models for Energy Feature Stores
    Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Anže Pirnat, Andrej Čampa, Carolina Fortuna
  • Resource-Aware Deep Learning for Wireless Fingerprinting Localization
    Gregor Cerar, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
  • Dimensionality Expansion of Load Monitoring Time Series and Transfer Learning for EMS
    Blaž Bertalanič, Jakob Jenko, Carolina Fortuna
  • Learning to Automatically Identify Home Appliances
    Dan Lorbek Ivančič, Blaž Bertalanič, Gregor Cerar, Carolina Fortuna
    Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča - SiKDD: 4. oktober 2021, 4 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2021
  • A Deep Learning Model for Anomalous Wireless Link Detection
    Blaž Bertalanič, Halil Yetgin, Gregor Cerar, Carolina Fortuna
    17th virtual IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Neworking And Communications, (WiMob), 11-13 October, 2021, 2021
  • Designing a Machine Learning Based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Classifier
    Leo Ogrizek, Blaž Bertalanič, Gregor Cerar, Marko Meža, Carolina Fortuna
    Proceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 2021
  • Learning to Detect Anomalous Wireless Links in IoT Networks
    Gregor Cerar, Halil Yetgin, Blaž Bertalanič, Carolina Fortuna
    IEEE access, 2020
  • Spremljanje Satelitov GPS v Vidnem Polju Na Osnovi Modula NEO-6M
    Blaž Bertalanič, Aljaž Blatnik, Boštjan Batagelj
    Proceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 2020
  • Using CNNs With Long-Short-Term Memory for Recognition of Writing
    Blaž Bertalanič
    Zbornik sedemindvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2018, 2018